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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Pedals and Brakes !

With the forward fuse mostly built out its time to fit the brakes.   I have been looking forward to this step for a long time since it is different than the typical metal work I have been doing for so long.   Basically the pedals hang from the skin stiffeners using pre drilled holes.  Since the seats aren't adjustable in an RV, the peddles need to be movable.  I drilled for 3 locations for the petals to sit, each 1 inch apart.   Starting 3 inches back from the firewall, these three locations should work well for me.

To make sure the holes were drilled equally on both sides I clecod the stiffeners together and transferred the lines onto the second stiffener before drilling.

Also, note that I chose to only have brakes for the pilot. Some people opt for passenger brakes, but I decided to save the weight and as well for a tail dragger I think it is safer not to have brakes that could get in the way of a passenger while the plane is taxiing.

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